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Articles by Maxime Bilodeau

Company life

5 ways to adapt the workplace to Millenials

Born between 1982 and 2000, the famous Millenials joined the labour market with ambitions and attitudes problematic for current business culture. How do you adapt to this new generation? Perpetual feedback To mobilize members of generation Y, you need to make them feel that their work changes things, explains Julie Bouchard, certified human resources professional and […]

Company life

Spirituality at work: what is its place in the workplace?

Spirituality is a highly personal, delicate subject. Nevertheless, studies demonstrating its impact on productivity support that it seems to have found its way into work. Forget all those references to a divine or supernatural power: spirituality is now free; religious decline in many western countries have laicized it. Other beliefs now nourish our inner lives; […]

Career management

Career management: Quebecois look to the future

A recent survey found that Quebecois do not look kindly on their old employers. Only 17% of Quebec respondents would return to their previous employer during their career, this rate increases to 40% in the rest of Canada. Here are some striking facts from this comparative survey. Do you have nostalgia for an old job? […]