North House jobs
North House assists the most vulnerable low-income individuals and families in the townships of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge through a spectrum of housing supports to help them get back on their feet and into a safe, stable home.
North House offers two tiers of housing supports with the following resources and programs available:
Housing Support:
- Provides an educational approach to housing searches, budgeting, and positive relationship building
- Access to stability funds for rent and utility arrears, last months’ rent and moving costs
- Assistance with rental applications including rent-geared-to-income and market rent housing
- Navigation of the Residential Tenancies Act, and Landlord and Tenant Board with tenants and landlords
- ID Replacement (Canadian Birth Certificates, Personal ID Cards)
- Income tax preparation
- Advocacy and referrals for social assistance, government and community resources
- Assistance with the Ontario Electricity Support Program
Housing First:
- Intensive case management for individuals and families actively experiencing homelessness in North Durham
- Assists with locating and securing long-term housing
- Goal-oriented action planning and management
- Educational opportunities around independence, life skill development and self-care
- Service navigation and connections through a multi-disciplinary approach
- Access to laundry, kitchen, and shower facilities
- Harm reduction education and materials available
Contact us
B-2 Elgin Park Drive
Uxbridge, ON, ON
L9P 0B1
Non-profit organisation - NPO
Jobs available at North House