Jobs at Prodie Sante International Inc. |

Prodie Sante International Inc.

Prodie Sante International Inc. jobs

Prodie Santé is a company specialized in the worldwide recruitment of doctors and a member of the United Nations Global Compact. Our offices are in Madrid, Montreal, Singapore and Dubai.

Some key facts about Prodie Santé : 

- We are specialized in the ethical recruitment of healthcare professionals around the world (doctors, surgeons, nurses) 

-  We are proud of a 25-year experience exclusively dedicated to the healthcare sector

-   We have created a medical community of more than 350,000 practitioners on all continents 

- We are a Golden member of the United Nations Global Compact and as such we report to the United Nations regarding the compliance with ethical standards in our activity. 

- We recruit healthcare professionals for more than 3,000 hospitals and clinics in more than 50 countries. 

- We developed an immediate capacity of mobilization of doctors on a large scale 

- We are the Agent of the Flying Visiting Doctors, internationally renowned physicians

- We created the Alliance of Doctors in Exile and have developed a humanitarian program dedicated to countries in need

- We created the NGO « Prodie Philanthropy » which message is embodied by the French actor Jean Reno.

Prodie Santé is a trustworthy and reliable partner for all doctors and represents a major asset for all healthcare systems and the generalization of access to healthcare. 

Contact us 397 rue Edouard-Charles
Montreal, QC, QC H2V 2N1
Industry Recruitment, Employment services