Teen Summer Work: How Parents Can Help |Jobs.ca

Help your Teen Find Work this Summer

The very last bell signalling the end of classes has sounded, and it’s time to help our young people get ready for summer… at work! Here are some tips to support your teenager in their search for a summer job.

Building on their qualities
The first step when beginning to look for a job is an updated resume. Since young workers are often having their first experience on the labour market, the focus will mainly be on their personal qualities and strengths.

An employer likes to see that a potential employee knows how to highlight the qualities that might be relevant for the job concerned. Punctuality, availability and adaptability are generally good. If the job that interests your teen is in the customer service sector, qualities such as interpersonal skills and listening can make all the difference.

Above all, don’t try to inflate reality by adding false information to the resume. It could hurt your young person’s reputation and start them out on a very bad footing with the employer.

Distribute the resumes
Now that the resume is ready, why change a winning formula? The good old-fashioned way of printing several copies and distributing them in local establishments has proven its worth. The best way of getting noticed is to ask to speak to the manager and putting the resume in his own hands and exchanging a few words with him.

Above all, as parents, resist the temptation to go with your teen into the business. He or she has to prove that they are independent and responsible.

Succeeding with their hiring interview
That’s got it! The interview has been agreed to. It is essential for your teen to prepare properly for the questions that could be asked. At this age, they often revolve around leisure, ambitions and previous work experience, if any. You can practice with him or her to build confidence.

Having a good knowledge of the company they are about to set foot in is an asset that should not be overlooked. Why not ask your teen to make a presentation to you about the company that has offered a first opportunity?

And, of course, don’t forget that an interview starts off on the right foot with appropriate clothing. Jeans with holes are to be avoided!

Be encouraging and soon you will see them soaring with their own wings…

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