Immigrants: restarting a career in a call centre|

Newcomers — Call Centres for Restarting Your Career in Canada?

For newcomers to Canada, call centres are full of opportunities to attack the job market. But do immigrants have to have experience in the field to find a job?

Whether it is for a bank, a telephone operator or an insurer, call centres open their doors to people from all walks of life. “It’s a real wealth to have people from all over,” explains Louise Charest, director of talent acquisition at Desjardins. “It brings us both a diversity of thought and of culture which makes us stronger overall. This allows us to create an offer that meets all needs.”

Before entering most call centres, new employees attend several weeks of training before being thrown into the water. In small groups, these classes allow the job to be learned, and more. “For newcomers, this step lets them become immersed in the local culture,” notes Louise Charest.  

An equivalent of experience

In order not to have to start over at the bottom of the ladder, newcomers have a vested interest in having their training and experience formally recognized. “This greatly facilitates access to a job and will allow them to move up certain ladders more quickly,” explains the director. Immigrants build their reputation in their country of origin and upon arriving here they often accept positions below their level. But if they show interest and have the skills, there are many good prospects for them here.”

A sector cleaning up its image

The call centre industry often has bad press, but the companies in the sector are trying to have this reputation forgotten by offering good career opportunities and attractive working conditions.

“At Desjardins, we take care of our employees. We offer rewarding jobs with good conditions such as an entry salary of $21.15 per hour,” explains Louise Charest. “We have many examples of employees who have climbed the ranks and are now in positions as trainers, quality monitors, staffing planners or managers. In addition, we have several families of positions that offer employees the possibility of a career change without changing company.”

Call centres are not just stepping stones for a first job, but offer possibilities for internal career advancement, social benefits, diversity, work-family balance… Assets to please all job seekers, whether immigrants or not!

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