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Job advice

Rights and labour standards

4-day workweeks are gaining popularity

Implemented in Europe during the 90s, the 4-day week took its place bit by bit in Quebec. But, to remain competitive, businesses had to adapt part-time and demonstrate flexibility to their employees’ demands for balance and a better quality of life. Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, Certified Human Resource Professional (CRHA) and professor of human resources at l’École […]


Interview : The value of a MBA for a company

Code name: MBA for Master of Business Administration. This top-calibre education in management, steeped in a strong international culture, is very popular with candidates. But what’s in it for the company? There are only two potential candidates left for the position of chief financial officer you are trying to fill. Both have a bachelor’s degree in finance, but […]

Oddly enough

Implanting a RFID chip in your employees ? It can be done

Have you sometimes forgotten your access card when you get to work? For some employees of a Flemish company, this is no longer a problem. New Fusion has equipped its employees with a chip that allows keyless entry of doors. The idea came from an employee who would often forget his badge, says Vincent Nys, […]

Job advice

Need career advice? Don’t depend on your friends

“It’s okay to lie on your CV, no one reads them anyway.” This is an example of one of the worst pieces of career advice that workers reported when interviewed by an independent survey firm. This survey, conducted on behalf of Accountemps, got responses from more than 400 Canadians aged 18 or older and who […]

Company life

What to do during lunch break?

Unexpected events, overworked, emergencies, meetings… there are all sorts of good reasons not to take a lunch break. However, it is strongly advised to take a 30 to 45 minute break to disconnect (from screens), relax, move and of course to eat. An overview of activities to do at noon.   Take the time to […]

Career management

Break the ice!

June is here once again bringing with it its horde of cocktail parties, dinners and various galas.  For some people, it’s routine, for others it’s torture.  How can you transform these situations into unique opportunities to make yourself known, to expand your network (it can never be too large to help to find a job) […]

Jobs search

Summer – a good season to apply !

Are you looking for a job but have decided not to submit your CV in July and August because you think there’s no use? Mistake! Contrary to conventional wisdom, there are good reasons to submit applications in summer, provided it’s done well. Proof of motivation You could be out enjoying the sun, but instead you’re […]

Career management

Table networking…

I assure you that I am not offering lessons on how to hold your cutlery (although)…yet, it is important to recognize that your table manner is far from perfect and occasionally of significant consequence.  It says a lot about your social position and values.  Of course, society has evolved, as have “good manners.”  Cultural diversity […]


Job interview: know how to master your body language

So you’re finally ready for your job interview, but have you thought about the signs you are sending the recruiter with your tense face, sagging posture, crossed legs or fingers tapping on the table? So that these signs don’t detract from all the efforts you have made so far to get the interview, take some […]

Company life

How should you behave at a BBQ at your boss’s place?

With the nice weather approaching, your superior might invite his staff to a BBQ at his place. While some people will be enthusiastic about the idea of partying, others will be quite stressed to meet their colleagues in an informal setting. In any case, it is good to be reminded of a few rules of […]

Pay and benefits

Regulation of indecent compensation of senior executives

The compensation for certain top executives in Canada are so exorbitant that they are becoming immoral. This new public awareness – or even this revolt – is all the more legitimate since paying such wages does not always go hand in hand with the company’s profits and hirings. Some figures to make your head spin […]

Jobs search

Is a presentation letter really necessary?

These days, the presentation letter is rarely read by recruiters. How can you stand out?  First, it must be borne in mind that there are several types of recruiters. “There are professional recruiters who work for an agency, and there are managers who have to do it on an ad hoc basis in their company,” […]

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