Managing both your own stress and that of your employees |

Managing both your own stress and that of your employees

In the current context, managers are called upon to show empathy towards their employees while trying to mitigate the main sources of anxiety. Here are some ways to handle these tasks while managing your own stress.

Assess your level of anxiety

In such a time as this, it is essential to be aware of your own stress. “Employees and managers can be affected by different types of stress,” explains Jean-Claude Laurin, an occupational and organizational psychologist. “There is organizational stress, for example a role conflict with an employee. There is also stress from personal life, such as a move or a return to school. To reduce anxiety, it is necessary to act on the stressors over which you have some control, such as by temporarily postponing a project.”

The psychologist suggests consulting the Holmes and Rahe scale to calculate your stress level in a matter of minutes and determine your depressive risk. This information can then help to measure your anxiety. “There is no universal remedy for stress; everyone has to find their own outlet. Some people turn to sports, others to yoga or meditation. You have to experiment to find what makes you feel good.”

Try to minimize the impact of isolation

Personal and professional isolation caused by teleworking is a major stressor, according to Jean-Claude Laurin. “For employees, you need to keep in touch with the others. If you feel anxious or sad, do not hesitate to talk about it or ask for help. Managers, meanwhile, have to ensure the well-being of their employees and remind them that they can turn to them when they encounter difficulties.”

And no matter what your duties are, it is also essential to draw a line between your personal and professional lives, explains the psychologist. “Telework should not interfere with times of relaxation we had reserved for ourselves, especially in the evenings and on weekends.”

Developing your emotional intelligence

“Managers must also be sensitive to the emotional variations of their employees,” explains Jean-Claude Laurin. “They need to be empathetic, because employees are experiencing more stressful situations than usual, which can affect their performance or mood.”

Finally, according to the psychologist, in these times of crisis, managers need to rethink their management model. “A good remote manager must trust his employees. He cannot control their work and may have to adjust certain goals. He must focus more on results than on actions.”


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