How to Optimize Your Customer Follow-Up ? |

How to Optimize Your Customer Follow-Up ?

How to optimize your customer follow-up? Following up with a prospect is always a delicate operation. Fear of appearing oppressive, of getting another rejection or of not knowing what to say when getting back in contact – there are many reasons for procrastinating with this task. Yet studies show that 80% of sales come after the fourth follow-up. So here are 7 tips to use to optimize your customer follow-up.

1. Be patient

Before following up with a customer, make sure that you have left enough time for your prospect to think it over. A purchasing decision may take time. Your prospect may also have had something inconvenient happen that has prevented him from ordering. So be patient, while remaining professional when you follow up.

To optimize your customer follow-up, be sure to respect the time delay you gave him, if that was the case. However, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone if it has been several weeks since you have been in contact. Otherwise there is a risk they will forget about you or go elsewhere.

2. Stay courteous and listen

Throughout the conversation, also stay professional and courteous. A positive and respectful attitude always leads more easily to a sale. Keep listening to your prospect and respect his requests.

3. To optimize your customer follow-up, vary approaches 

Follow up by phone, and also by email and social media…

4. Position yourself as an adviser

When you follow up through these channels, present yourself as someone who wants to provide additional information or advice on the service offered, and not as someone who just wants to make a sale.

Send documentation by email, invite him to a trade show or an event. Send him a link to an article or a video that may be of interest to him. Give him information about the market or his competitors. With all this free information that is not directly linked to what you are seeking to sell to him, you will build trust with your prospect.

5. Don’t be too insistent

However, avoid following up too many times, and especially after too short a period of time. If you follow up too often, your prospect will think that you are not able to sell your product, which conveys that it may not be vary good and not worth being bought.  In addition, he will feel harassed and annoyed, and there is a risk he will terminate your discussions. 

6. Management tools available

To help you with your efforts, there are some excellent customer relations management programs. Don’t hesitate to use them. They will help you identify which customers should be followed up, integrating all the information you need for your sales pitch and so improve your sales.

7. Questions to ask yourself…

If you need to follow up the majority of your customers, ask yourself whether you have not properly analyzed their needs and motivations. Or perhaps you have not identified the decision-maker.

During your interview, it will be necessary to go back to the initial discovery phase to try to collect as much information as possible about your prospect and prepare a solid sales pitch.

You will ask open-ended questions such as:

  • How will you make your decision?
  • What are the most important selection criteria for you?
  • Who will make the final decision on the project?

If there are several decision-makers, try to meet them again with your contact.

By applying all these steps, you should end up making a sale. Don’t forget that four follow ups are often needed! Good luck!

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