4 Facts (or fables) about Professional Job Hopping | Jobs.ca

4 Facts (or fables) about Professional Job Hopping

Professional job hopping is gaining momentum as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to play its part. And, with the scarcity of labour, many people are tempted to go and see if the grass really is greener elsewhere! 4 Facts (or fables) about Professional Job Hopping


Job hopping is reserved for young people

“Professional job hopping began before the health crisis, but gained momentum with the [labour] shortage,” observes Patrick Poulin, group chairman for Randstad Canada.  “It has escalated with the pandemic. Even if people weren’t necessarily thinking about changing jobs, they’re being solicited and offered better pay. And some have a taste for these changes.”

“In context, this phenomenon affects young people as much as those more experienced.”  A survey conducted for Randstad Canada at the end of 2021 shows that the vast majority of workers aged 18 to 34 (62%) are likely to change jobs in 2022.  Of those aged 35 to 54, 48% are thinking about this option. He also thinks that choosing to stay or not is mostly about the person’s aspirations and where they are in their career path.


Multiple jobs can scare employers

True, but not always, according to Patrick Poulin. “Certainly, if the candidate changes jobs regularly, it can give the impression of an unstable worker, a little impulsive.” “However, with the shortage, this aspect is partly balanced out. You must also understand the reasons behind these departures,” he adds. “This may be due to factors beyond their control, such as bankruptcy, restructuring or a temporary contract.”

“In some sectors, such as IT or project management, this accumulation of experience can be seen as positive,” says the chairman. “People who move on can be viewed as having accumulated a wealth of experience.  They also demonstrate adaptability, autonomy and less need for security,” he explains. 


Professional job hopping lets you improve working conditions

“The main motivation for workers to change jobs is to improve their salary,” says Patrick Poulin. No surprise that those who jump from job to job get better working conditions in the end, especially if they end up with greater responsibilities. According to Fortune magazine, someone working for a company for more than two years, on average would earn 50% less money over their lifetime… Basically, organizations are ready to loosen the purse strings to attract talent, especially when the competition is fierce.

“However, some employers are very competitive to keep their troops,” the chairman hints. He adds that an employee can use a tempting offer on the table as a lever for negotiating better job conditions.  Sometimes, the simple fact of putting your cards on the table allows you to get what you want.


Staying in the same job for too long can hurt your perceived value

Does this mean that stability could hurt your career? “If moving from one job to another allows you to accumulate an interesting background, keeping your job doesn’t automatically mean that your candidacy will lose value,” the chairman suggests. “The fact of remaining in the same position does not make you less attractive as a candidate, depending on how you’ve evolved in the company worked for, not necessarily in title, but in responsibilities.” This is also true if the desired position is the same as the one you currently occupy.


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