How To Manage The Risks Of A Long Job Search |

Risks to Manage While Seeking a Job

Lack of money is the biggest risk faced by job seekers. Here are our tips of what to look out for and to reduce other risks from your lack of work.

Financial risk
The fear of financial fiasco may make you want to shorten your search by accepting the first job that comes along. No one wants to lose their financial independence, a guarantee of liberty and dignity. But that’s not a reason to give up looking for the job that really suits you. However, you might want to consider accepting a temporary assignment in the meanwhile, a short replacement or part-time or seasonal work. And there’s nothing wrong with using social assistance for a short period if you reach the “end of the line” of your Employment Insurance benefits.

The risk of idleness
Your days are long. You take three siestas a day. You have fallen into the trap of idleness and a certain depression, which will affect your personality and make you less attractive in the eyes of future employers. Even if your job search is not full time, you need to fill out your agenda so you don’t fall into the abyss. Take the opportunity to tackle some personal projects, learn a new language, read books related to your field, participate in training or do some volunteering. You could gain new skills to add to your resume!

The risk of looking bad
The job world is still a world of convenience, where inactivity can be judged harshly. When someone asks why you don’t have a job, don’t get into a tearful monologue. Tell them what you have learned as a positive lesson, and be diplomatic when you explain the reasons why you left your last job, sparing them from your snarling analyses.

The risk of out-of-date references
Your former boss quit his job and can no longer be easily reached. You are also worried that all this time the people you listed as references for your previous jobs will no longer want to recommend you. You are afraid that your contacts in your network will gradually disappear. Don’t panic – pick up the phone and keep your old bosses up to date about your journey, to prepare them to say a few good words in your favour to potential recruiters. Don’t be timid, they will probably be happy to hear from you. And don’t hesitate to show up at your professional association’s happy hour, even if you are momentarily unemployed. Networking with colleagues is still the best way to stay in the game.

You have to keep smiling. It will be better for you and for the others!

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