Top 5 Most Common Job Interview Mistakes |

Top 5 Most Common Job Interview Mistakes

Entering the job market for the first time, changing careers after several years at one place or aiming for a higher job… there are many different reasons motivating us to have an interview. Do you know how to succeed? Here are the top 5 most common job interview mistakes.

Not being prepared for your interview

“One of the worst and most common job interview mistakes that I see even today, is candidates who arrive for their interview without being prepared first,” says Carolina Castro, professional coach, ACC, CRHA with Vézina Nadeau Labre. In this expert’s opinion, job seekers should take the time to carefully analyze what they have to offer for the desired position, what the company culture looks like and what tasks are related to the position. “For me, the interview is a meeting. It’s necessary to show what it would look like if you held the position.”

Not being careful with what you say

There is no doubt that employers expect candidates to be honest. However, beware of sharing confidential information! “Some people, without meaning to do anything wrong, mention that they are quitting their job because their employer is depressed and the mood has changed, for example. This is confidential information,” the professional coach explains. Others will simply speak out against their former employer or their colleagues. The rule to bear in mind: use judgement while remaining honest.

Not creating an appropriate link with the interviewer

Sometimes candidates are stressed or embarrassed. For some people, this can translate too quickly into a too familiar attitude. For others, it can mean dealing with an almost icy candidate… “Before addressing your counterpart by his first name, it is important to ask him first,” Mrs. Castro says. “Conversely, when you are asked questions, answering semi-robotically doesn’t help the employer get a good idea of the candidate. These days organizations are seeking employees with know-how, but also with self-knowledge.” See here how to turn a job interview to your advantage when the recruiter doesn’t ask questions that let you highlight your strong points.

Not dressing for the occasion

Regardless of the type of job sought, having a neat appearance is imperative. There’s no need to wear a suit and tie for a job that doesn’t require it, but clothes that are dirty or have holes are clearly not recommended! “I have had a candidate who was hired for a job in a warehouse because he was dressed in clean jeans and shirt. His bosses told him that by demonstrating a well-groomed appearance they knew that he would also take care of their products,” the professional coach recalls.

Not being on time

It can never be repeated enough: Always arrive on time for an interview! Or even better, arrive early and take the time to review the job offer or the company’s website. Of course, emergencies can happen. “Make sure that you have the contact details of the person conducting the interview so you can prevent it,” advises Mrs. Castro.

So this concludes the top 5 most common job interview mistakes.

In summary, be prepared, focus and get to work!

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