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Jobs Working For You


Resume: How to Reflect Your Intention to Take a Temporary Job

How to explain in a resume and cover letter the reasons for your decision to choose a temporary job for the time being, rather than aiming for a permanent position. Resuming your studies at the start of the next academic year, consolidating your professional experience in a given sector, having newly arrived on the Quebec […]

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Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting a Winter job

So you are passionate about winter sports and it’s quite natural that you have thought about becoming a ski instructor this winter. Or, why not, a ski lift manager. But have you asked yourself if you are ready to work in the cold all day long? Will your health allow it? Are you ready to […]


Working Outdoors in Winter – Preventing Injury

In addition to frostbite, working outdoors in extreme cold has health risks. Here are some tips to be able to continue dealing with winter when you have to work outdoors. The “onion peel” technique is very effective in fighting the cold. “It is primarily metabolic activity (beating heart, blood circulation, physical activity, etc.) that warms […]

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