How to Preserve your Professional Image on Social Media |

How to Preserve your Professional Image on Social Media

Your online presence is now almost as important as your physical presence. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn… How do you protect and preserve your professional image on social media?

According to studies, the figure varies but it is estimated that the percentage of employers who take the time to inspect the social media presence of their candidates or employees ranges from 50% to 80%. This is nothing surprising – it is now a natural reflex! Several employers have also confirmed in surveys that their research on social media have led them to reject applications.

To preserve your professional image on social media, be aware of privacy settings

This may seem obvious, but many fall into the trap of not correctly configuring their privacy settings. Are you one of these? To find out, log out of your Facebook account, for example, and do a search on yourself to find out what appears publicly. This will ensure that photos that are too festive, political comments or any other delicate information are safe from outside eyes. If some of your contacts are part of your professional world, be aware that it is possible to exclude them from the scope of publications of your choice.

In general, experts agree that it is always better to keep social media free from any references that could be harmful or detrimental to professional development. A contact who knows a contact can easily connect to a new one, for example. The most serious mistake to be avoided is speaking negatively about your current or passed employer.

Using social media to boost your reputation

Good news! Social media can also be used wisely, to improve your professional image and inspire potential employers or clients. Thus, a well-maintained account, with the meticulousness of a marketing expert, becomes a virtual showcase and CV. For example, publishing relevant articles, free of spelling mistakes, on the issues related to your area of expertise and participating actively in online professional communities is a good way to stand out and assert your leadership.

The idea is to keep away from trivial talk and demonstrate your passion, your expertise and even your sense of humour online. Headhunters are attentive to online profiles, and for self-employed workers, reputation on the internet is essential when seeking customers. There is no need for constant activity on every social media. LinkedIn and Facebook are the most relevant for making a mark for a long-term impact on your professional image!

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